Cal-PASS Plus - Member-Forum
Member Forum

Cal-PASS Plus members are encouraged to put data into action in meaningful ways, and we want to celebrate any work throughout California that accomplishes this. What kinds of work and research are you doing to improve instruction, close achievement gaps, identify scalable best practices, and/or improve transitions for students? We invite you to share the details of any events or research in your communities so that others can learn about the work you are doing and learn from your success.

How to Submit an Event or Research:

To submit an event or research that you would like featured on the Cal-PASS Plus site, email with the following information:

  • Title of Event/Research
  • Type of Event/Research (conference, convening, webinar, research article, other)
  • Segments along the pipeline represented (K12, Community college, University, Labor/workforce, other)
  • Description of Event/Research
  • Contact information

Additionally, if you are interested in collaborating with another member institution, please describe the type of collaboration you are interested in and, if possible, we will help facilitate the connections between institutions.

If you have any questions regarding the events or collaboration opportunities, please email

See Upcoming and Past Events and Research Submissions:

1. Webinar: Using Actionable Data to Accelerate Student Success
This recorded webinar will provide an overview of the benefits of Cal-PASS Plus and how we can help your district use its data in meaningful ways.

You'll learn:

  • How Cal-PASS Plus benefits your district in promoting student success
  • How to navigate the Cal-PASS Plus system and upload your data
  • What’s coming next in Cal-PASS Plus

Cal-PASS Plus is dedicated to providing you with the tools you need to improve student success and increase college and career readiness. We are continuously updating the system and improving our tools based on user feedback and suggestions.

View the Recording

2. Research: ERP's COVID-19 Educational and Economic Recovery Plan
The forced closure of schools and higher education institutions due to COVID-19 has resulted in millions of students across the country losing valuable in-class instructional time. If not properly mitigated, experts believe the educational and economic disruption caused by this crisis will lead to long-lasting academic and life setbacks for students and the emergent workforce.

Without bold thinking and data-informed solutions by decision-makers and education leaders, our most vulnerable and disadvantaged populations will likely never recover from this crisis. Our kids, workforce and economy cannot afford for that to happen—it will negatively impact us all.

Since this crisis began, Educational Results Partnership has consulted with leading economists and education leaders across the country to develop a plan for educational and economic recovery from COVID-19. Recognizing that the fight against COVID-19 will be ongoing and fluid, the plan we have developed is scenario-based.

Read the Plan

3. Research: The COVID-19 Slide - What summer learning loss can tell us about the potential impact of school closures on student achievement
Dr. Kuhfield and Dr. Tarasawa, from The Collaborative for Student Growth at NWEA, compiled compelling learning loss research that informs how the COVID-19 closures could impact student achievement. 

This research brief forecasts the potential COVID slowdown or loss in student learning and outlines some recovery recommendations. 

Read the Brief