Cal-PASS Plus - About
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California's only actionable educational longitudinal data system

Cal-PASS Plus, created through leadership and funding by California Community College Chancellor’s Office, is an accessible, actionable and collaborative pre-K through 16 system of student data.

Cal-PASS Plus’ mission is to provide actionable data to help improve student success along the education-to-workforce pipeline. Collaboration using this data will inform better instruction, help close achievement gaps, identify scalable best practices, and improve transitions. Cal-PASS Plus offers longitudinal data charts, detailed analysis of pre-K through 16 transitions and workplace outcomes, information and artifacts on success factors, and comparisons among like universities, colleges, K-12 school systems and schools.

Cal-PASS Plus also facilitates Regional Learning Councils to regularly convene pre-K through 16 leaders, representatives and stakeholders throughout the state so they may share data and success factors and collaborate to improve education and workforce outcomes.

The system and initiatives are possible through the following organizations:
