Cal-PASS Plus - Join

Join Cal-PASS Plus

Thank you for your interest in joining the Cal-PASS Plus System of Data!

Who Can Join Cal-PASS Plus?

Cal-PASS Plus is a system of data designed for educational institutions and educators. Institutions can become members if they are a school district, charter school or management organization, county office of education, community college, or a four-year college or university. Click here to view our Member List and see if your institution is already a member.

Ready to Join? Here’s How:

To join Cal-PASS Plus, you will need to complete a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for your institution and have it signed by an authorized signer. Authorized signers are typically leadership in the member institution, such as Superintendents, Deans, Chancellors, Vice Chancellors, etc. The MOU will not be approved if it is not signed by an authorized signer. *NOTE: For the e-sign MOU, authorized signers will receive an email to validate their email address. The authorized signer’s email address needs to be validated before the MOU can be approved.

Hard Copy MOUs can be mailed to:

Educational Results Partnership
Cal-PASS Plus Project Director
428 J Street, Suite 320
Sacramento, CA 95814

Questions? Contact:

Cal-PASS Plus Outreach Team

Affiliated with a Member Institution? Request a Login here:

To request a new login, fill out the form below, and click the button to submit. In order to be approved to receive a login, your email address must match a domain of a member institution.

New Login Request Form

Request Login

*NOTE: If you are a researcher or affiliated with a community-based organization that is working with a member institution, you can obtain a login only if the request comes from the member institution. Please ask your partner institution to submit a ticket to the Cal-PASS Plus Help Desk via email to request and authorize your access. The ticket must contain the information below:
  • Who should receive a login (name and email address)
  • Short project descriptions
  • Specific tools or dashboards the researcher will need access to for the project
  • Time period of project