Are there Equity Gaps in Completion using a
For more detailed information, go to the Detailed Data view under the Equity Gap section.
For the locale, program/sector and year selection made above, the Equity Gap charts shows how many students need to complete in order to Close the Equity Gap for underrepresented populations disproportionately impacted either by gender, race/ethnicity or age.
The number of students needed to Close the Equity Gap refers to the number of students who need to complete (by gender, by race/ethnicity or by age) to achieve a one-to-one ratio. Example of a one-one-ratio: % of Hispanic students in the Health Sector in 2018-19 who completed = % of Hispanic students who enrolled in the Health Sector in 2018-19 at the college, district, microregion, macroregion, or statewide selected.